One of my close friends recently decided to become a vegan, and she asked me for ideas of simple vegan recipes that she can cook. Immediately, I thought of making curries because they’re filling and ...
Cauliflower rice is one of those healthy eating fads that won't go away, so let's embrace it. I know some people who are turned off by cauliflower rice because of the smell as they're cooking it. ...
Welcome to a brand new year---a fresh opportunity for us to set intentions that guide us for the next 365 days (I suppose it's 364 days now). Like most people, my new year's intention is to live ...
This roasted cauliflower dish is something that I threw together when I had no idea what to cook for lunch one day. I stared into my refrigerator, and the only things that caught my eye were a ...
If you've poked around this blog before, you'll know that I pretty much shove vegetables into my dinners wherever I can. (See butternut squash mac & cheese, pesto pasta with ...
Now, I know that some of you are looking at this recipe and thinking, "Lisa, haven't I seen a fried rice recipe on your blog recently?" You're right, I shared this delicious coconut ...
Some people say that beets are the messiest thing to cook, but turmeric must come in as a close second. It takes just a tiny pinch . . . to stain my spatulas, my pans, my marble pastry ...
The best weekends are ones dedicated to food. Delicious, deep-fried, buttery, artery-clogging food. Undoubtedly unhealthy, a treat day (or two) is absolutely necessary for keeping my ...