What's the best way to glam up your snacks? SPRINKLES!!! Especially if they're in the shape of cute pumpkins. How can you say no to these?
When I first heard about chocolate-covered ...
I sense that we're getting a bit confused right now. I've broken out the thin fall jackets, whipped up a number of pumpkin recipes, and stocked my produce basket with an array of root vegetables and ...
Has anyone ever seen "The Rye" episode on Seinfeld, the one that centers around a loaf of marble rye bread? Believe it or not, watching that episode years ago introduced me to that two-toned ...
On Tuesday, one of my dear college friends and I had a big cooking marathon. I'm not kidding---we were in the kitchen for SEVEN hours. Well, I suppose we took a few breaks to test out the food and ...
I'm desperately trying to do a few more morning workouts every week, but it's quite a difficult task to check off. Part of the problem is that I stay up way too late blogging, and my body ...
At about this time of the year, I get the itch for peppermint-flavored chocolate. Really, peppermint chocolate anything should be served 365 days a year (366 days for leap years).
This month's ...
Beer. Wings. Sweets. The makings of another successful gathering with my friends. I have come to the quick realization that gatherings are just an excuse for me to try out dessert ...
cookie conundrum ⋅ [DEFINITION]: a perplexing problem related to the preparation, baking, or consumption of cookies.
I found myself in a cookie conundrum a few days ago. I ...
I absolutely love watching food competition shows. It all started years ago with the original Iron Chef (back when I watched Japanese programming to improve my listening comprehension). I know ...
Spotted or not spotted, that is the question. For me, bananas are best consumed when they have a couple spots on them. Not quite dalmatian-style, but enough to indicate that the banana has lost ...
There is one thing that I can always rely on being in my bag: snacks! I may forget my phone or wallet, but never snacks.
I fancy myself an aficionado of snacking, but I'm probably just ...
My goal for the next few months is to incorporate more varieties of these grains into my recipes.
A few weeks ago, I saw a recipe for buckwheat granola on Food52 as part of their ...