One of my close friends recently decided to become a vegan, and she asked me for ideas of simple vegan recipes that she can cook. Immediately, I thought of making curries because they’re filling and ...
Palak paneer is one of my favorite vegetarian dishes to order in Indian restaurants. The star of the dish is the creamy sauce, which is made of chopped or pureed spinach cooked in a medley of spices. ...
Do you serve appetizers before the Thanksgiving dinner, or do you forgo the small bites to leave room before the big feast? In my family, there's no such thing as "saving room" for dinner. ...
We've all made food decisions that we regret. Most of mine happened during college. Finals time was a particularly dark period for me, literally and figuratively. My body switched to ...
This has been my schedule the last week:
wake up from my slumber and clamber out of bed ungracefully.make a cup of tea. eat.complete requisite blogging duties.cook.photograph food. sneak in many ...
Who knew that the dumpling making skills I started learning as an 8-year-old would come in handy 20 years later?
I fancy myself being Mama Lin's favorite kitchen helper. Whenever she ...
Perseverance. Patience. Respect. Those were the three virtues that I cultivated while making my spinach pancakes yesterday.
PERSEVERANCE: When I was making the batter, I had to blend the spinach ...